11th April 2013
Smurf Waves is graduating! Join us this Saturday, April 13th at 2pm shard time (EDT). Waves will be debuting his all *NEW*Under Siege as his grad pit! Yes, you'll still get a grad pit prize, even if you lose the event.
- Admin Fester

22nd March 2013
Update incoming! The Dev Team has been hard at work and has an update ready to roll! Friday, March 29 is the planned date for this update to roll out. Good Friday indeed! This begs the question of what's going to be included. Well, this update will have something that has been long awaited. I won't say what it is, but I think I'm going to go dust off my Wood Elf Robe.
- Admin Fester

17th of July, 2012
Oblivion is no longer sporting a skill cap. Over the next few months we'll be adding in more monsters, dungeons and work on getting Ter'Murr setup for high level play! Also sporting a new Facet being released next month is Defiance, a 700 skill cap facet based on community content. Take a look at the teaser on the boards!
- Admin Rahham

9th October 2011
The date has been set! The 2011 Oblivion Shard Fair will be held from Friday, October 21 through Sunday, October 30. Preparations continue for the fair. Several new events have been added, and many of your old favorites will return. We will also be celebrating Halloween during the fair, so watch out for special Halloween items!
- Admin Fester

31st August 2011
Preparations for the 2011 Oblivion Shard Fair are underway. We are in the beginning phases of development, so no dates have been set as of yet. We will know more in the coming weeks, but our target is for the end of September or early October. Stay tuned!
- Admin Fester

13th March 2011
Wow, what a grad pit! Void threw the best bash a graduating smurf has put on in recent memory. Moonglow was saved by our heroes, even if it was left a bit worse for the wear! Congratulations to GM Void, on a fine evening of fun. Be sure to give him a pat on the back when you see him around in his new threads. (Black and blue, ooooh)
- Admin Fester

6th March 2011
Enter the Void: The graduation of Smurf Void will be March 11, 2011 @ 8:30pm shard time.
"I hear an ancient voice, whispering from the Void, and it chills my lightless heart…"
An important figure among the Mage's guild has recently reported hearing strange whispers about events to come. Conferring with other guild members from Vesper, it was decided she would go to Moonglow to seek answers to the source of these whispers. She opened a gateway and stepped through, but never stepped out on the other side. There have been no messages or merchants coming out of Moonglow since. All attempts to reach the city have failed. Several parties have gone, yet none have reported back. A party of the most capable adventurers will be gathered and will set forth from Vesper in 5 days.

13th February 2011
Congratulations to our newest GM, Lyot, on graduating from smurfdom. His pit was a mass of carnage and death. Not a single player survived. Well done!
Valentine's Day is nearly upon us. We have a Rose stand set up in Vesper. Roses are available for 50k and may be renamed to your choosing. (Within shard rules of course)
And don't forget the Valentine's Day Pit! Animata is planning to host something special. Don't miss it!
- Admin Fester

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