July 2010 Change Log
- Companion pets, for deco only pets have been scripted.
- Tweaked and added items for Wind Dungeon
- Corrupter's Staff has been tweaked.
- Corruption Compendium added.
- Shroud of the Corrupt added.
- A corrupted blood companion pet added.
- "Oblivion Artifact" property added to some items.
- Gaia's Ancient staff now scripted, no longer created on the fly.
- Rock soul collector now will expire in a cleaner way.
- LifeDependantTeleporter scripted. This teleporter has the option to only let dead people pass, or to only let living people pass.
- A way for pets to be dropped in loot added.
- Powder of Fortifying can now be combined with other cans of Powder of fortifying by using one can on the other.
- GiantFireBeetle's will act like a forge properly(for real this time).
- Gaia now calculates damage that is fair in a way to all styles of play, except for you crafters… You'll still die a horrible death.
- Elemental Keys will now be movable true on creation.
- DecoCorpse will now be Movable false on creation.
- MotherNature and all of her forms have new effects that depict what type of damage she is doing at the time.
- MotherNature will now give a slight warning before doing her special attack in her final form.
- Fixed a bug that would cause the server to crash when you logged in and had an expired RockSoulCollector in your pack.
- The RockSoulCollector will now automatically pack itself up when you are more than 10 tiles away.
- GiantFireBeetles will now properly be considered forges.
- Some values have been tweaked with the Account decay system.
- ChampionSkulls will now drop on the corpse of the champion again instead of in a players pack.
- Valor has been re-enabled to allow the progression of a Champion Spawn. Restarting a champion is still disabled.
- PileOfDragonBones scripted.
- Rock monsters rebalanced
- Elemental Key added to be used with special doors
7/20/2010 Update
- Rock is officially opened!!!!!
- Rock monsters tweaked.
- Gaia's Robot guardians will now be red when created.
- Untamable Greater Dragon scripted.
7/18/2010 Update
- Dungeon NPCs finished
- Smiths and Tailors frozen
7/16/2010 Update
- ElectroWear scripted for fashion show prize.
- Some monsters added for a dungeon.
- Granite box updated.
7/12/2010 Update
- If you die while using a transformation spell (Lich form, wraith form, animal form, etc). Your corpse will come up as your normal human looking corpse so it's easier to find in a mass of corpses.
- The title at the top of a generic info gump will now display in white text, this has been bugging me for a long time now.
- The [WCLog command will now have the latest message at the top and the oldest at the bottom.
- Fixed a bug where you could embed HTML into the [wclog gump and cause it to break.
- [BCast messages will now show up on the WC log
- Skeletal dragons summoned by Chyloth in Doom will no longer drop loot to stop players from abusing it.
- All Purpose Skinning knife coded. There is no current way available to obtain this, but we will implement a way shortly.
7/8/2010 Update
- World chat log coded (you can see the last 100 messages) accessible via [WCLog
- Bonuses to armor and weapon crafting from Arms Lore enabled.
- Cursed items can no longer be put into your blessed bag.
- Double time stamp on account comments fixed.
- A vendor rental contract target can now target the ground properly.
- Skill gain in vesper is possible when the guards are off.
- A bug with the tool chest has been fixed.
- A bug with the client warning gump has been fixed.
7/2/2010 Update
- Meditation set back to something that does not favor any one play-type over another. It has also been modified to be more fair to players with high mana.
- Clocks now display the servertime as well as the in game time.
- Pet rez deed needs 80 lore to sign.
- Earthworm and Giant version now actually get in range to attack. They where bugged and didn't get close enough for melee.
- Bottle and scroll commodity deeds finally fixed ( I think? -.- )
- Scissors have 2 tile range, instead of one, to match corpse-opening range.
- Some extra command logging has been added to the [tele command.
- BailJail has been turned back on.
- BailJail and Jail commands have gotten command logging.
- GetAIAction command added for developers to help debug something.