Gems Of Oblivion
Our Guild is run by the high tribune (Topaz), with two tribunes (Dracula and Silver) in supporting roles.
These 3 make up the leadership of our guild.
We are still relativly a new guild having been running since march 2008, but we feel we are growing in leaps and bounds. A close group of people ranging in ages. We have managed this by using Teamspeak which helps us get to know each other and is invaluable in hunts.
We first introduced ourselves to the shard by running a pit with the great help of the GM's, this was opened to all players on the shard.
We then proceded with our few members to start weekly hunts the first few are shown below.(i hope *grins* )

(Pictures left to Right; First hunt blood dungeon and grims, Second hunt blood island in search of minors, Third hunt was to doom where we as a new guild pulled together and took out a dark father with little to no problem.)
People wishing to find out if we are the right guild for them are welcome to join us on one of our hunts.
We also try to have a private pit for all our guild members birthdays (paid for by guild donations).
Our forum site is where you can apply to join our guild or speak to one of our members in game.
Hope to see you soon.

(on behalf of GEM)
Trying to reclaim the guild leadership from inactive members and rebuild back to where we used to be.
All returning gem are welcome to contact me.
Forum is glitching but i am trying to get it back up if i fail i will make a new one.
its good to be back!
Chaos Knights (C^K)
One of Oblivion's oldest guilds, with new and old members. Original members include the likes of Sir Robin, Ghaz, Jeffwa, Oban, Kandyman and have since grown to include some of today's most active players. With an active, light-hearted, guild chat C^K is a fun guild dedicated towards helping each other out.
C^K has several guildhouses and crafters ready to help you out. They regularly do Champ spawns, Doom runs and more. With numbers and skill that rival any guild on the shard we don't fear/tend away from any aspect of the game (including Felucca and events). Degore is currently the active guild leader (more or less) we're always looking for new positive players to add to our roster.
If nothing else don't be afraid to say hi to someone in C^K or come visit us on our island.